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About the TBX Steering Committee

The TBX Steering Committee is a group of experts in language management (translation, terminology, natural language processing, etc.) who direct the progress and development of the Termbase Exchange (TBX) framework. Currently, all members of the TBX Steering Committee are delegates on Technical Committee 37 (TC 37) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is responsible for international standards in the language industry. The TBX Steering Committee (TerminOrgs/LTAC) is co-valent with the ISO TC 37/SC 3/WG 3 Editorial Committee.

Hanne Smaadahl is a Senior Terminologist at SAP responsible for terminology management strategy, governance and outreach. She has extensive experience in the software and localization industry as a linguist, program manager and terminologist in large-scale environments. Prior to joining SAP, she held similar positions at Business Objects and Microsoft, where she was instrumental in developing advanced terminology management systems and infrastructure. She is the Project Lead for the revision of ISO 30042 (TBX) and Chair of TerminOrgs, a think tank of terminologists who work in large organizations.

Arle Lommel is an expert in both the technical and business aspects of the localization and translation industry. He worked as the Director of Standards at Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) until 2011 and acted as a custodian of LISA standards through their transition to ETSI, ISO, and subsequent industry adoption. He also led the submission of the TBX standard to ISO.

Alan K. Melby started working on terminology exchange formats in the 1980s well before XML became a standard. He has been the championing figure behind TBX throughout its development, from its beginning in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), to its first publication by the LISA, and its elevation to a formal international standard: ISO 30042.  He is currently an emeritus professor of linguistics at Brigham Young University, where he serves as Associate Director of the Translation Research Group. He is also a member of the governing council of the International Federation of Translators (FIT).

Detlef Reineke has been teaching and researching at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain since 1994.  He teaches courses on computer-assisted translation, software localization and XML/XSLT, among others. His research activities focus on translation and knowledge-related terminology work and science, but he is also active as a consultant and trainer for industry companies and government institutions. He is editor-in-chief of the terminology journal Edition, vice president of the German Terminology Association (DTT) and a standards expert and convener within the Austrian Standards Institute and ISO TC 37.

Klaus-Dirk Schmitz is Full Professor of Terminology Studies at Technische Hochschule Köln – TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) in Germany. His teaching and research activities focus on terminology theory and terminology management as wells as on software localization and computer tools for translators. Numerous articles and books where he acts as author, co-author and editor show his excellent expertise in these fields. Prof. Schmitz has also taken a leadership role in national and international forums, e.g. as president of the International Information Centre for Terminology Infoterm (2001-2009), vice-president of the German Terminology Association and the International Terminology Network TermNet, chairman of the German Standards Committee on Computer Applications in Terminology and member of several advisory boards.

Kara Warburton has 35 years of experience in the language industry where she has played a leading role in terminology management, particularly as it applies to commercial enterprises. She was the global lead of terminology management at IBM for 15 years. Through her company, Termologic, she has provided support and training in terminology management to dozens of global companies and organizations. She has actively contributed to the development of standards and best practices for terminology and other lexical resources through LISA, TerminOrgs, and ISO TC37, as well as the Object Management Group, the Globalization and Localization Association, and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).

Sue Ellen Wright is a Professor of German and a member of the Kent State University Institute for Applied Linguistics, where she teaches computer applications for translators and German to English technical translation. She is ATA certified for German to English translation. She also provides training and consultancy to companies and institutions for implementing terminology management in the localization process. She has been active in the national and international standards community, through ASTM International and as chair of the US/ANSI Technical Advisory Group for ISO Technical Committee 37.

About the Web Design Team

BYU Translation Research Group Designers / Maintainers:

James Hayes graduated from Brigham Young University with a Linguistics BA and a focus on Computational Linguistics. He is currently working in the Translation Research Group and concurrently serves in the role of Vice President of LTAC Global.

Joshua Sims is a Linguistics student at Brigham Young University and a member of the Translation Research Group. He has done linguistics research projects abroad in Mongolia.

Kaden Carr is a performance student at Brigham Young University working on a minor in Computational Linguistics and aspires to attend law school. He is also a current member of the Translation Research Group.

SAP Intern Designers:

Kathy Wang is a student at the University of British Columbia studying Computer Science. She is an Agile Developer intern at SAP. A fun fact about her is that she had green hair for about six months.

Kylie Loo studies Computer Science and Business at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC. She is a Technical Developer and QA intern at SAP. Interesting fact: she has held a koala before in Australia (they stink!).

Jason Bernhardt is currently enrolled at UBC in the Computer Science Second Degree program. His first degree is in Civil Engineering. At SAP he works as a developer for their newest cloud solution to business analytics and planning. It’s a fun role because it allows him to practice core programming skills like writing new features, fixing bugs in new code, and testing. Additionally, this product is in its infancy and has huge potential in the marketplace so it has the feel of working for an exciting start up with the culture and atmosphere of a huge company. In the last few months he's run a half marathon and placed second in a League of Legends tournament.

Edward Ho is currently studying Computer Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. He's a Cloud Developer Intern at SAP, working on SAP BusinessObjects Cloud. BusinessObjects Cloud is an enterprise cloud analytics solution that combines BI, planning, and predictive analytics into one solution. The product itself is fairly new and developed in Vancouver, Canada and Waldorf, Germany. His team works mainly develops on Data blending and Grid/Table features in an agile development setting. Having been here for almost a year, he says it has been very exciting to see the office grow and to see the product develop as a whole. He's definitely had an amazing experience here at SAP. A fun/interesting fact about him is that he used to play Curling when he was in high school.

Jimmy Wang attended school in Uvic and BCIT. His intern position is Operations Specialist, meaning he does a little bit of everything from directing workflow to coding tools. He does sketches and drawing as a hobby and almost went to into Arts.

John Paul Kee goes to the University of British Columbia. He is SAP Jam Extensions and Platforms Team Intern. An interesting fact is that he played the trumpet for 12 years!

Edward Wu is a student in UBC Computing Science. He was an Agile developer Intern at SAP. An interesting tidbit is that he has a chemical engineering degree.

Andrew Morishita studied at BCIT, and works at SAP as a Developer. He has six pets- three dogs and three cats.


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TBXinfo is hosted, owned, and operated by LTAC Global,  the Language Terminology/Translation and Acquisition Consortium (http://www.ltacglobal.org/), and presided over by the TBX Steering Committee (TerminOrgs/LTAC), which is co-valent with the ISO TC 37/SC 3/WG 3 Editorial Committee.

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Last updated: November 8, 2018 at 11:24 am

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