Summary of Changes in ISO 30042

TBX Revision 2019

Changes introduced by this edition include:

  1. Introducing industry defined dialects consisting of data category selections corresponding to the needs of specific communities;
  2. Removing the XCS formalism for representing additional constraints to the core structure and replacing it with the requirement that the dialect be described and its name be declared on the root element of every TBX document instance. The <tbx> element requires the @type attribute to indicate the name of the dialect;
  3. Replacing the DTD for the core structure with a schema language neutral definition of the core structure expressible in RNG, XSD, ODD, and so forth, as long as the schema is capable of enforcing the constraints specified in this document;
  4. Separating the ISO standard containing the essential core and normative content from ancillary content produced and distributed in the public domain by stakeholders, thereby ensuring standards are open and widely available;
  5. Adding a simplified Data Category as Tag (DCT) style alongside the traditional TBX style of Data Category as Attribute (DCA). The <tbx> element has been assigned a new mandatory attribute, @style, to indicate DCA or DCT styles;
  6. Introducing xml namespaces as a means for declaring the data categories used in a given TBX dialect (for DCT style);
  7. Introducing the telescoping principle whereby new dialects can build upon the core by adding one or more non-overlapping data category modules.


Summary of Structural Changes 

The following elements were removed:

  • <ntig>
  • <termGrp>

The names of the following elements were changed:

  • <martif> to <tbx>
  • <martifHeader> to <tbxHeader>
  • <bpt> to <sc>
  • <ept> to <ec>
  • <termEntry> to <conceptEntry>
  • <langSet> to <langSec>
  • <tig> to <termSec>
  • <termCompList> to <termCompSec>
  • <refObjectList> to <refObjectSec>

The set of attributes for the element <ph> were changed.

The element <termNoteGrp> was added as a permissible child element to the definition of the element <termSec>.

The <tbx> element has been assigned a new mandatory attribute, @style, to indicate DCA or DCT styles.

The <tbx> element requires the @type attribute to indicate the name of the dialect.

The <tbx> element must declare the default xml namespace of “urn:iso:std:iso:30042:ed-2”.  In DCT, namespaces for each module included by the stated dialect must also be included.

Inline markup has been changed to be compliant with practices in XLIFF 2.0.


Last updated: December 7, 2018 at 16:51 pm

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