TBX Convertibility


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Source and target languages are expressed in a specially formatted note element within the titleStmt, as seen in the sample file. ISOcat includes glossary-level data categories to express this, but they cannot yet be referred to in TBX. Thus the specially formatted note as a stopgap. The src: and tgt: declarations can be placed in separate notes or together. Both declarations are mandatory for convertibility.

A glossary-wide note is also expressed in a note element within the titleStmt. This must be separate from the note element(s) that state the languages in use.

Source and target terms are expressed as in all TBX. Each termEntry must contain one langSet each for the source and target languages, and no other langSets, and each langSet must contain exactly one term (ntig or tig); otherwise the termEntry is not convertible.

Source and target part of speech are expressed in a termNote, as specified in Glossary.xcs. Part-of-speech information is mandatory for convertibility, but if the termNote is present on only one term of a source/target pair, it will be presumed identical for the other one. The convertible part-of-speech values are adjective, adverb, noun, properNoun, and verb — properNoun is an addition to the data categories found in the ISOcat data category.

Note on an entry must be attached at the termEntry level for convertibility, even if the note actually concerns a single term, a transfer relationship, etc.

Definition, source of definition, contextual example, and source of contextual example are expressed as specified in Glossary.xcs.

No data category may take a value containing a tab character; such values are not convertible.

TBX output from convert_glossary declares its DOCTYPE as TBXcoreStructV02.dtd, the full core structure, but it will also validate under Minicore, and either one is acceptable for input.