Downloads v2

These downloads and resources are for TBX 2008 (v2). Go to the TBX 2019 (v3) download page for up-to-date resources.

General TBX Related

Introduction to Terminology Management

For an introduction to terminology management and the application of TBX, click here:

   Terminology in the age of multilingual corpora

Simple TBX "Getting Started" Tutorial

Here a is tutorial for getting started with TBX. It assumes a basic knowledge of terminology management and MultiTerm, and covers converting data from MultiTerm (using the Multiterm - TBX-Default Converter) or MRC into TBX (using the MRC - TBX-Basic Converter).

   Getting Started With TBX

TBX 2008 Standard

TBX Specification

Click below to view or download the TBX Specification, which is identical to ISO 30042.

   View TBX Specification


TBX-Default Sample File Collection

The sample file collection contains eight TBX-Default files.

   TBX-Default Sample File Collection


TBX-Basic Package

The TBX-Basic Package contains:

  • An advanced tutorial (may not yet apply to TBX 3.0), written by Vicki Leary, on validating TBX files against TBX rules (the reader should understand the basics of XML, TBX and terminology management)
  • Sample valid and invalid TBX-Basic files
  • TBX-Basic SCH and RNG validation files
  • The TBX-Checker tool to test validity of a TBX file. (may not yet apply to TBX 3.0)

2008 TBX-Basic Package:
 TBX-Basic Package 2008

TBX-Basic - XLIFF 2.0 Glossary Module Mapping Sample

A simple set of sample files to show what a finished conversion between TBX-Basic and the XLIFF 2.0 Glossary Module might look like can be downloaded here:

  TBX-Basic - XLIFF 2.0 Sample Conversion

More Resources

  TBX-Basic: Translation-oriented Terminology Made Simple

This article uses a simple format, called MRC TermTable (Multiple Rows per Concept), to illustrate its examples. An MRC TermTable can be automatically converted to TBX-Basic using the MRC - TBX-Basic Converter.


TBX-Min Sample Files

The following download contains:

  • Three examples of valid TBX-Min files
  • One example of an invalid TBX-Min file

   TBX-Min Sample Files

TBX-Min Import/Export Implementation Guide

This guide contains simple pseudo-code and tips for writing import/export routines to add TBX-Min support to a terminology management application.

   TBX-Min Import/Export Routine Developer's Guide

TBX Splitter App

TBX Splitter App (Beta):

The TBX Splitter App is a beta tool written in Perl which can be used to separate a TBX file (TBX-Default, TBX-Basic, or TBX-Min with a .tbx extension).  Since the app is in beta, it is advisable to quality check the output files before use.


TBX Splitter Tutorial

This tutorial details how to use the Splitter.

   TBX Splitter Tutorial

TBX Splitter App (Beta) Package*

**NOTICE** - The app has recently encountered bugs in processing files that have already gone through the app once. We are working to fixe the problem, and thank you for your patience.

The above tutorial is also included in the package.  For a key for the domains (Subject Fields) used in the IATE database (mentioned in the tutorial) see:

   Splitter App (Beta)

Please note that in order for the app to run using the IATE data from (which is a large file) a computer should have at least 4 GB of RAM and be running Windows.

*This is best downloaded by Firefox, IE or Safari. Chrome can sometimes mistakenly treat the app as malicious and will prevent downloading.  The file can still be downloaded by pressing "Ctrl-J" while in Chrome (this is the Chrome shortcut to the downloads tab, which can otherwise be reached via the Settings tab in the top-right) and clicking "recover malicious file" (because it is not malicious) and confirming your intent with the "hurt me plenty" button (an old game reference the Chrome developers added in).

TBX Checker

Download TBX Checker only:

   TBX Checker

Download TBX Checker with sample valid and invalid TBX-Basic files and the necessary TBX-Basic DTD, XCS, RNG validation files:

   TBX Checker & TBX-Basic Sample files

Want to make your own TML validator? Try the RNG generator.

   RNG Generator

TBX Checker is a general-purpose utility, written in Java, that checks files for compliance with a TBX TML. Any XML validator can verify that a file conforms to the TBX core structure DTD, but the TBX Checker additionally verifies that the file conforms to the constraints of its specific TML, as expressed in an XCS file.

To run this software, you are required to have the Java Runtime Environment (version X) installed. To find out whether you have the necessary Java runtime environment, enter java -version in a command line. If not, it is available for major platforms.

To run the TBX Checker, double-click the .jar file contained in the .zip download above, or enter java -jar tbxcheck-_._._ (where the blanks represent version numbers) at a command line. The program is fully graphical; the "Open" button will bring up a dialog to select a TBX file to validate, and the dropdown menu controls the level of detail in the report (which shows up in a new window).

There are several common causes of non-compliance or of incomplete compliance which you may encounter:

  • Checker can't find necessary files. The TBX file refers to two other files by name, path, or URI: Its core structure DTD, and its XCS file. A third file is also necessary, namely the DTD for XCS (i.e., the file that explains how an XCS file is structured). The core structure is named in the DOCTYPE declaration: <!DOCTYPE martif SYSTEM "TBXcoreStructV02.dtd">. The XCS is named within the header of the TBX file, in an element that looks like this: <p type="DCSName">TBXBasicXCSV02.xcs</p>. The DTD for XCS is named in the DOCTYPE element of the XCS file. If these files do not exist exactly as specified (including upper and lower case), the Checker will not be able to find them. (Unfortunately, the mrc2tbx package as presently constituted gets this wrong: The package provides an .XCS extension in upper case, whereas the TBX file designates it in lower case. This will be fixed in the next release of mrc2tbx; in the meanwhile you can rename the file yourself.) Very often all three files are cited by name only, and therefore must be placed in the same directory as the TBX file.
  • Improper languages. The XCS file specifies not only the data categories that may be used in a given TML, but also the languages. If the TBX file includes terms in languages not listed in the XCS, TBX Checker will flag the error. As of version 1.2.8, the TBX Checker can be directed not to perform this validation by clicking a check box. In previous versions, you can edit the XCS file's <languages>element (just below the header) by hand to prevent this problem. In the near term we will release a simple utility to make this easier; it will identify all the language codes in an arbitrary TBX file and return an appropriate <languages> element (to be customized with the languages' names and pasted in).
  • Broken links. If entries contain links to nonexistent targets (either other terminological entries, or parties responsible for changes), the TBX Checker will flag an error. At present it will only flag one such error, no matter how many there are. Therefore, after fixing the problem it is necessary to re-check the file. You don't need to restart the Checker; just click the "Open" button again. The origin of this bug is as yet unknown.

Another approach to checking TBX files is to use an integrated schema that combines the constraints of the core structure of TBX and one TBX TML. Integrated schemas for TBX-Basic have been developed using the RNG schema definition language and the XSD schema definition language. More information on the integrated schema approach to TBX checking will be made available later.

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Last updated: December 20, 2018 at 11:48 am

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