TBX Data Category Modules

Modules are divided into two categories: public and private.

Public modules are endorsed and promoted for general use on TBXinfo.net. They are the recommended modules in dialect creation. Maintenance and support of these modules is handled by TBXinfo.net. Tools and utilities hosted on TBXinfo.net are developed to work best with public modules.

Private modules are not actively endorsed or promoted by TBXinfo.net, however a list of known private modules is provided as a service (see Private Modules section below). Burden of maintenance falls on the creator of the module. Therefore, TBXinfo.net cannot guarantee the stability or reliability of private modules. If a private module becomes widely adopted, it is possible for it to become a public module.

Master Data Category List

The master list of data categories can be found at DatCatInfo.net: http://datcatinfo.net/subset_repos/tbx_master_list

Public Modules

Defining Modules

This section is intended for Creators: those who intend to create a module.

Whenever possible it is recommended to use existing modules. However, in situations where an existing module is not sufficient, a new module may be created.

Notice: Information on this website about module creation is not intended to be stand-alone. It is assumed a module creator has access to a legally purchased copy of ISO 30042/DIS:2018.

To create a module definition, the following information must be documented in prose:

  1. Name of the module -
    • Module names are not permitted to follow the naming convention of TBX Dialects. Therefore, a module may be named "Basic", but not "TBX-Basic". Additionally, module names do not need to reflect the name of the primary TBX dialect for which they were created. This means that the "Basic" module could have been named "Standard", even though it is the cornerstone module of the TBX-Basic dialect.
  2. Namespace for the module (this is necessary for the module to be used in DCT style TBX files)
  3. Description of the module
  4. List of included data categories -
    • The default data categories for use in TBX can be found in the TBX Master List.
    • If the needed data category is not in the TBX Master List, data categories from DatCatInfo.net may be used.
    • The following information must be documented for each included data category:
      • Identifier
      • PID (a unique permanent ID for each data category which points to its entry on www.datcatinfo.net)
      • Classification (descrip, admin, termNote, etc.)
      • Value(s) (The permitted value type or picklist of values of the data category)
        • Available picklist values may be subsets of those values given in the TBX Master List or on DatCatInfo.net
      • Level(s) (The levels at which the data category is permitted. e.g., conceptEntry, langSec, and/or termSec)
        • Levels need not be indicated for data categories with the classification of "termNote" because these are by definition restricted to the termSec level

Here is an example definition from the Basic Module.

After creating a prose definition for a module, it is possible to describe it in a machine-processable way using the TBX Module Description format, described below.

Note: If the created module is intended to be used alongside existing modules in a single dialect, the created module must not have any shared data categories in common with the other modules it will be used with. This is because only non-overlapping modules are permitted to be used in the definition of a TBX dialect.

TBX Module Description

This section is intended for Creators: those who intend to create a module.

The prose description of the TBXMD format can be seen here:
   Description of the TBXMD format
The RNG schema for TBXMD can be found on GitHub:

   TBXMD RNG Schema


This section is intended for Implementors/Creators: those who intend to validate TBX or create new TBX dialects using the Core module. The Core module can be used to perform a general validation of any TBX document instance. However, if dialect specific validation is needed, the Core module must either be restricted using the existing modification points (for DCA) or used alongside other schemas (for DCT)

The sample UML diagrams and the resulting RNG schema  plus sample  Schematron code can be downloaded as a zip file by clicking TBX-Core-RNG-Files.

The Core module is the foundation module for all TBX files. It contains the core structure of TBX as described in ISO 30042 and the data categories /term/, /date/, and /note/. In all TBX files (DCA or DCT style) it is used with the TBX namespace as declared in ISO 30042: urn:iso:std:iso:30042:ed:3.0

This RNG schema on the GitHub repository (TBXcoreStructV03.rng) is out of date, but will soon be updated.

Coming soon:

  • Indicate text directionality with the @dir attribute

This section is intended for Implementors/Creators: those who intend to validate TBX or create new TBX dialects using the Min module.

The Min module is a simple data category module created for minimal need terminology data models.

For the up-to-date definition, TBXMD, and schemas, please visit the Min module GitHub page (https://ltac-global.github.io/TBX_min_module)


This section is intended for Implementors/Creators: those who intend to validate TBX or create new TBX dialects using the Basic module.

The Basic module is a simple data category module created for moderate need terminology data models.

For the up-to-date definition, TBXMD, and schemas, please visit the Basic module GitHub page (https://ltac-global.github.io/TBX_basic_module)


Private Modules

For a list of private modules, see the private modules page.

Other Modules


This section is intended for Implementors/Creators: those who intend to validate TBX or create new TBX dialects using the TermComp module.

The TermComp module adds the TermComp level to TermSec via namespace (regardless of whether the TBX file is DCA or DCT style). Unlike the TermComp level from the 2008 version of TBX, this TermComp module has been greatly simplified and now only contains the data categories of /termComp/ and /note/. It may only be used by dialects which include it explicitly. For example, the TermComp module is *not* used in the main public dialects TBX-Min or TBX-Basic.

For the up-to-date RNG schema, please visit the TermComp module GitHub repository (TermComp-namespace.rng)

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Last updated: November 8, 2018 at 7:30 am

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