TBX Updater

The purpose of this converter is to update any valid dialect of TBX to the new ISO standard 30042 with the appropriate tags and formatting. Simply upload a file and the converter will return the file to you in the new format.

Please note, if the value of the “type” attribute is not a known valid TBX dialect name the Converter will return an error. The following is an example of an invalid type attribute in the <martif> element of the TBX file:

Invalid TBX type

The proper format is type=”TBX-[Dialect]”. The program will try its best to inform the user what the dialect is based on the file’s contents. In cases where type=”TBX”, the file will be declared “TBX-Basic” and will include links to the TBX-Basic schema. This means that such a file will be validated as though it were TBX-Basic. Data categories in the file which are not compliant with TBX-Basic will throw errors in a validator (such as Oxygen XML). These will need to be manually edited as the validator dictates.

For a summary of the changes made in this revision please visit this page to know more.

Please upload the desired TBX file to be converted and click “Convert”:



For a collection of sample files for testing, download the Updater Files.